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NCF's Online Annual General Meeting: 2024

As a not-for-profit, NCF’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) offers members the chance to review our audited financial statements and reports about the past year’s activities, while also electing the Board of Directors and addressing any other motions.

NCF’s AGM been held online since 1993 to allow as many of NCF’s thousands of members as possible to participate. This year, to be more aligned with best practices in the sector, we are making a few changes.

We will still hold elections for the Board of Directors online from Wed. June 19 at 6pm to Wed. June 26 at 6pm.

We are also holding a virtual AGM over Zoom next Wednesday, June 26 from 5:30pm to 6:30pm, followed by a post-AGM discussion about NCF’s future.

As a member-directed organization, elections for the Board of Directors are crucial as they oversee all NCF operations as a social enterprise, balancing our business objectives with our mission to ensure that everyone has access to affordable, high-quality internet they can understand how to use, while feeling safe online.

All registered NCF members may nominate eligible individuals to stand for election to NCF’s Board of Directors.

About the AGM Registration Reports Candidates Vote Results


June 19 at 6pm to June 25 at 6pm

Voting period

On-line voting will take place during the voting period.


June 25 from 5:30pm-6:30pm

Test Zoom

If you haven’t used Zoom before, we’re holding a test Zoom session the day before the actual meeting. To keep things simple we’re not requiring members to register for that session, you can just enter the following link in your preferred web browser at the time of the meeting:


June 26 from 5:30pm-6:30pm

Virtual AGM

NCF’s lawyer Chris Tacit is chairing this year’s AGM and the post-AGM discussion is being chaired by long-time NCF Board member Chris Cope.

June 26 from 6:30pm-7:00pm

Post-AGM member discussion

  1. Brief presentation about NCF’s current activities and some plans (and hopes) for the future.
  2. Facilitated discussion.

Virtual AGM

We need at least 30 NCF members to attend the virtual AGM. Please register for the virtual AGM and post-AGM discussion here:


To register, you will need to provide your NCF member ID along with your name. Once we manually verify your membership and confirm your registration, you will receive an automatic email from Zoom with the meeting link and details. Please be patient with the manual confirmation process as the HelpDesk is handling this on top of their other work.

While you may have already downloaded Zoom or want to, it is not required to be able to attend the meeting.

If you haven’t used Zoom before, we’re holding a test Zoom session the day before, Tuesday, June 25 from 5:30 to 6:30pm. To keep things simple we’re not requiring members to register for that session, you can just enter the following link in your preferred web browser at the time of the meeting:


AGM agenda

NCF’s lawyer Chris Tacit is chairing this year’s AGM and the post-AGM discussion is being chaired by long-time NCF Board member Chris Cope.

  1. Introduction of AGM chair and call to order.
  2. Confirmation of quorum (30 members required).
  3. Approval of 2024 AGM agenda and 2023 AGM minutes/results.
  4. Brief report from the Chair and Executive Director.
  5. Motion to receive the 2023 audited financial statements.
  6. Motion to appoint the firm of Marcil Lavallee as NCF’s public accountant for 2024.
  7. Results of Board of Directors election are tabulated and announced.
  8. Motion to ratify any past actions since NCF’s inception.
  9. Adjournment

Post-AGM agenda

  1. Brief presentation about NCF’s current activities and some plans (and hopes) for the future.
  2. Facilitated discussion.