August 26, 1985

Marley woke up next morning and found Jake gone. She found a photo of Vic at 12. "I wonder who this boy is."

Jake was taken to the police station. He keeps saying he's in a hurry and has to go.

The stuff in the box wasn't Perry's. It was a lot of bits of Egyptian stuff and a locked strongbox.

Carl is flying to Bay City. "Is it a business trip, or pleasure?" "Both. Always both."

There's no key for the strongbox. Chris is weird. He thought about Carl and his father discussing the bizarre death of Donna's father. Carl is wary of the Pharaoh's curse. Chapin [is Chris his father? It sounds a bit like] is not. They are building an empire for their sons. They're glad Love is gone.

The weird wing is almost done. Michaud told Daphne she was silly for occupying herself with the Egyptian thingies when she should be helping him prepare. She told him she'd already made the arrangements and he could leave her alone. He said he couldn't and made the unmistakable sound of a man crawling all over the object of his desires. Daphne snapped at him and asked what he was doing. He asked if she'd forgotten. She said she hadn't time. She's looking for a secret drawer in Frederick's desk. He [disgusted] said she was obsessed and went to make a phone call.

Daniel and Victoria had a little chat at Lesoleil as she waited for Donna. "Everyone's getting to know Miss Love very well." [yes, Donna is very outgoing, don't you think?] They got acquainted. She's not sure Marley will come to the gala.

Marley feels she should check this place out. But after she finds Jake.

Jake suddenly demanded a phone call. He called Victoria. Line busy.

Kathleen got rid of Victoria to talk to Daniel. She persisted in asking about the Chapin estate. He won't tell her anything because of his loyalty to Lesoleil. Enter Cass with INGA on his arm. She is to run their exercise program. Exit Cass with a cheery "carry on." [I think Daniel had been kissing Kathleen.] Daniel and Kathleen went to lunch.

The neighbour woman wept and fell on Marley's neck mistaking her for Victoria. She told her about the prowler of last night. Marley asked directions to the police station [a place Vic knew real well]. Off she went.

Carl has such a way with stewardesses. He told her he was a collector and his collection when complete would be superior to any collection in existence — except the British Museum, natch. He's going to get it out of storage. She showed him Bravo's article about Lesoleil and the Night of Gold. He'll be there. It's going to be one heck of a bash. He doesn't know Michaud but he knows a very good friend of his.

Daphne found something. Michaud's in a hurry.

Nancy and Chris poured over the stuff. She's glad she opened the box. She notices he's weird somehow. He told her he'd gone for a look at the Chapin estate but he couldn't climb the wall. [he is capable but it was impossible.] They're going to go riding. Sound of something approaching a clinch when Ada came in being irritable about the junk. "Only Carl Hutchins would send somebody a box of junk like that." Nancy went out to look for her sunglasses. Horrible scream from the pool. They carried her in. She'd slipped and twisted her ankle. It was a mysterious fall. They can't go riding.

Michaud was uninterested in Daphne's clue. She told him she'd buy him out with her treasure or even give him some stiff competition. He laughed and laughed and she got petulant. He was conciliatory. She threw him out. She said she was going to see her old friend in prison after the gala.

Carl likes Bay City. They're descending. He's going to stop various places on the way to his hotel.

Daniel wants to put Kathleen at her ease. He left. Cass: what do you think of this Daniel guy? Wally: well, I — Cass: bad news. Wally: bad news? Cass: I'm glad you agree with me.

Victoria's put out because she doesn't feel that Donna is giving her the attention she deserves as sole daughter of our house and heart. She thinks the absent Marley's dress is better than hers [for the Night of Gold]. Bridget told her not to be mean to her sister. She said nobly she wanted only the best for Marley and Jake.

Jake was refused another phone call. He told the deputy to call the sheriff who knows him.

Michaud assured Gerhard everything would be ready on time and Monsieur and Felicia would get back together again. Gerhard is afraid Felicia will be upset when she finds out Michaud is not himself. Michaud thinks she'll be too happy.

Cass told Kathleen Daniel was a smooth operator. She didn't want to discuss that but he was eager to develop his this theme so she cut him short with an "I need you, Cass." He paused and said meltingly "well of course you do Kathleen." She said she hadn't meant it like that and she was confused. He said he'd do anything he could for her. She showed him "the tip of the iceberg." A photo of Edouard. She said she'd found stacks of glossies and old films in the Chapin estate. She told him Daniel was no good for that and things were weird. She told him about the phone conversation she'd overheard. He tried to explain everything away and she told him he was no better help than Daniel. He'll check it out.

Jake was sprung. He'd been caught trying to get away with a bunch of old photographs. Enter Marley as the sheriff went to get the confiscated objects. The deputy returned with the pictures. "what pictures?" said she. The sheriff spied Marley and said it figured, wherever McKinnon was she wasn't far behind. Jake wanted to go but they arrested her.

Victoria put on Marley's dress. Bridget sent her to change. Carl rang the bell for Donna. Bridget let him wait inside. He's renewing an old acquaintance.


