December 17, 1986

Michael and Mary chatted about waiting tables. He told her she could count on him for anything. He was told by a messenger to hustle his and Victoria's and Nicole's buns on down to the courthouse.

Victoria told Reginald that Mary was working as a waitress at Mary's Place. He said he'd put a stop to it. ["This madness," he called it.]

THE RÔLE OF ROSE LIVINGSTONE IS NOW BEING PLAYED BY ANNE FLOOD. Rose tried to put Mac to work but he was too busy brooding about Rachel and Mitch.

Rachel and Mitch both have to testify.

Zack told Catlin he wouldn't put Brittany on the stand until he'd softened the jury up with other witnesses. He began by calling Jamie. Brittany hissed at Peter, "Now you're going to get yours, you pig." The judge reminded everyone that Brittany was to shut her face OR ELSE. Zack promised. Jamie was sworn in. He described his real world occupation, claiming to have had two years experience with battered wives and children. [right. He was obviously battering wives while still in Bay City, seeing as he'd only been out of town a year before returning.] He described Brittany's first visit to him, his findings, and his conclusions. He was afraid she'd have a nervous breakdown because she was so frightened of Peter. Peggy objected periodically. Zack asked Jamie if continued abuse counted as life-threatening.

Michael and Nicole waited for Victoria. Nicole stared at Mary rather. She feels disloyal, testifying against her brother. Mary told her there was no need to feel bad about telling the truth. Michael decided not to wait any longer.

Peggy tried to prove that bruises on Brittany were not necessarily Peter-induced. Zack was satisfied. Rachel was called. She described her husband.

Rose doesn't think Mac is paying enough attention. She is some rabid accountant. They arranged to have lunch at Mary's Place.

Rachel proved she'd been closer to Brittany than Mac had been, and Mac was fond of Peter. Peggy objected to the word " protective " Rachel said she had no doubt that Brittany was a battered wife. Peggy got her to admit that Brittany had never said so and she'd never said that Peter had raped her, in spite of their being so close. Rachel wanted to go on witnessing long after the lawyers had finished with her. The judge nearly found her contemptuous. Zack got permission to redirect. Rachel said she'd seen Brittany and Peter quarreling but Brittany had refused to tell her what about. Zack figured this proved Brittany hadn't set-up the "battered wife fable" as Peggy had suggested.

Mac brooded through lunch on his ailing marriage. Rose was very sympathetic.

Mary attempted to serve Reginald. He behaved like a bigger idiot than usual and asked tragically if she were doing this to hurt him. She pretty much told him not to be silly and refused to stop, even when he begged her not to do this to him.

Zack stalled for Victoria. The judge was not thrilled but he gave him 10 minutes. Rachel left for Mary's Place. Jamie opted to stay. Zack told Mitch he wasn't going to risk calling him since he was an ex-con. Mitch forgave him. Michael is not thrilled with Victoria.

Mac and Rose partied it up. Mac used phrases like joie de vivre. She's a widow with children. Her husband died four years ago. Sara took it hardest. [Sara is her daughter?] she's not sure where she is. They've had a falling out. Sara IS her daughter. [I don't like it.]

Victoria rolled in at the last minute. She was sworn in. She described her relationship to the defendant and her victim. Zack asked if she'd overheard her uncle threaten to kill her aunt [by marriage] on October 28th. [I have no record of it.] She said no. Zack asked what she had heard. She admitted Peter had warned Brittany that she might not live to enjoy all that money. He said the threat was implicit. When they put Michael on he admitted he didn't like Peter. He said he'd overheard Peter say Brittany could ruin his life if he didn't kill her.

Rachel fled upon seeing Rose at Mac's table. Mac didn't blame her. Rose felt guilty.

Reginald pestered Mary all over the restaurant. She did not appreciate it.

Nicole was called. Michael took off after Victoria. Nicole was forced to admit that Peter was indeed her brother. [Damning.] She said Peter had taken Brittany's baby and threatened never to restore him to her. [She seems to have heard what Michael did.] Peggy got her to admit that she had been apart from Peter for a long time. She refused to be fazed.

Mary told Reginald he wasn't her husband and she wanted to get to know her family. She told him everything had changed. He attempted to talk her round with pap about love and destiny, but she was strong. He was baffled.

Brittany isn't feeling too well. Zack called her to the stand.

Mac and Rose chatted about Sara. Rose is worried about her. Mac said he'd find out where she was for her. Rose was grateful. They're friends. Exit Rose. Enter Rachel. She apologized for seeming abrupt earlier. Rachel is a little funny about Rose.

Michael gave Victoria a hard time about being late. She told him she'd been afraid because she hadn't wanted to hurt Peter or Brittany. He comforted her. They're going to send flowers to Donna.

Court was recessed. The Press became unruly. Catlin pulled a Sean Penn [he threw some poor idiot into the jury box].


