NCF For the month of January 2006. During the month January donations were $30,449 compared to last years and budget mounts of $27,043. In addition DSL sales were strong in January with total service revenues of $6,457 against a forecast of $4,800. Hardware sales of $8,878 were also better than the expected $5,000. All told this resulted in banner month for the NCF with the revenue exceeding expenses by something in the order of $10,000. Total membership remains constant with a continuing growth in DSL subscribers to a current total of 235. The rate of new subscribers has fallen off in recent weeks. A new MOM is ready to go out to the membership highlighting the opportunity to share a DSL access subscription however I am holding off sending it until our support materials are ready. Efforts are underway to automate the DSL subscription process in large part to lessen the workload of our core volunteers. We are also building tools to allow DSL subscribers to view their bandwidth use in much the same manner that dialup access users can view their modem use. This is a critical function to support NCF members that choose to share their DSL access. We are also building some of the support pages and discussion groups to support members sharing their expertise in problem solving. Given the limited volunteer team that operates the NCF help desk, its is unrealistic to assume that they could expand their services to enclude members home networks. However if we are to encourage NCF members to share their DSL connections there must be some way for the NCF members to be supported in configuring and maintaining LANs. I currently believe that providing good help pages along with a discussion group to encourage members to help members in their LAN support is the best approach. I do not feel that this will be sufficient as we currently receive a relatively high volume of support calls for PC problems unrelated to NCF services. Encouraging members to share their connects will only increase these requests. Therefore I am attempting to vet local companies that offer technical support with an eye to giving NCF members a choice for LAN and PC support. Carleton Alumni services has agreed to partner with the NCF to offer internet access to Carleton alumni. Carleton would advertise the services through its flyers and magazines and in return a small commission will be paid to Carleton for each Carleton grade that subscribes to NCF's DSL service. Cheers john