Executive Director's Report April 2003 =========================== April 9th, 2003 By John Selwyn (execdir@NCF.ca) Welcome to the new Board members John Hennessy and Michael Mei, and congratulations to Mary Anne Dugmore, Graeme Beckett and Mark Mielke as returning members of the Board. It's great to have some wise and thoughtful citizens volunteering their time to help govern NCF. Membership numbers have increased in accordance with the targets in the budget from 6600 in December to 7100 as of April 7th. Member donations for latest period: For the two months February and March members have provided $33,948 in cash donations. This numbers is slightly above the previous year's donations and below budget by almost 10%. Non-member donations in Feb & March include: - The development team donated an additional $2,500 dollars of labour; - Corel donated an upgrade for the iDesk of their latest edition (release 11) of their office suite and Corel Draw; - MetaSolv made a donation of 8 orthopedic chairs, 8 high quality monitors and one SUN Ultra5 workstation. - Plantronics came through for NCF with a donation of three hands free phone sets for the volunteer office; - Carleton University continues to provide high quality office space for the development team. The NCF SQL database is now in use full time by the office staff and volunteers. I have opened an account for NCF with the Royal Bank and Moneris to allow for secure online Visa and MasterCard donations. Following the launch of the SQL database and office tools, the Moneris installation is the highest priority. iDesk is running and testing is finished on both Tarantella and Citrix. Online user documentation is online and complete. The Corel software has been upgraded (release 11) and tested. I am still attempting to source additional applications for the desktop. We continue to make slow progress towards the installation of new digital modem lines. I am aware that members eagerly await the new modems and the installation of digital lines continues to be my highest priority. Extended access proposals have been sent to Alcatel, NRC and the City of Ottawa. We have not yet received indications that would allow us to forecast a date for implementation. NCF Marketing. A new fan fold brochure is now being printed. The brochure is in the same style and colour scheme of the NCF web site. The brochure is printed in both French and English and answers the questions, who is NCF, what are the benefits of being a member, and how do I join. John Status Report for the month of March 2003 ====================== Key indicators - Year to date progress March Actual Budget % of Budget Number of Members 7099 7038 101% Donation Revenue $52,861 $58,179 91% Registration Donations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ No. No. % New Budget Regist.Monthly Memb $ Budget Memb. (No.) Var Donate Donors Don Amount ($) Var ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ Jan03 208 164 127% 111 41 53% $3,168 $1,843 172% Feb03 237 134 177% 120 41 51% $2,031 $2,301 88% Mar03 261 164 159% 116 40 44% $1,712 $1,881 91% Registration Donations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ No. No. No. % New Budget Monthly Regist. Budget Memb $ Budget Memb. (No.) Var Donate Donate (No.) Don Amount ($) ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Jan02 134 177 -24% 16 69 79 51% $1,769.00 $2,370.00 Feb02 109 169 -36% 11 83 75 76% $2,124.00 $2,250.00 Mar02 134 158 -15% 15 67 70 50% $1,672.00 $2,100.00 Apr02 146 119 123% 17 78 53 53% $1,913.00 $1,590.00 May02 122 135 -10% 16 71 60 58% $1,810.00 $1,800.00 Jun02 116 116 0% 15 73 52 63% $1,664.00 $1,560.00 Jul02 148 106 140% 20 68 47 46% $1,852.00 $1,410.00 Aug02 148 136 109% 19 71 61 48% $2,239.00 $1,830.00 Sep02 146 141 104% 17 63 63 43% $1,525.00 $1,890.00 Oct02 168 136 124% 21 76 61 45% $1,733.00 $1,830.00 Nov02 134 130 103% 25 79 58 59% $2,316.00 $1,740.00 Dec02 99 97 102% 17 56 43 57% $1,171.00 $1,290.00 YTD02 1604 1620 -1% - 486 722 54% $21,788.00 $21,660.00 Jan01 186 98 - - 83 - $2,252.00 $1,800.00 Feb01 141 98 - - 88 - $1,996.00 $1,800.00 Mar01 159 98 - - 82 - $2,172.00 $1,800.00 Apr01 120 98 - 19 45 - $784.00 $1,800.00 May01 154 98 - 19 66 - $1,568.00 $1,800.00 Jun01 106 98 - 16 83 - $1,829.00 $1,800.00 Jul01 94 98 - 16 74 - $1,362.00 $1,800.00 Aug01 131 98 - 24 87 - $1,756.00 $1,800.00 Sep01 150 98 - 16 89 - $2,007.00 $1,800.00 Oct01 152 98 - 15 72 - $1,788.00 $1,800.00 Nov01 150 98 - 19 86 - $2,087.00 $1,800.00 Dec01 81 98 - 17 51 - $1,060.00 $1,800.00 Renewal Donations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ No. % No. Budget Renwl Budget Renwl $ Budget Renwl (No.) Var Monthly Donate(No.) Don Amount ($) Var ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ Jan03 661 553 120% 130 413 - 62% $16,184 $19,105 -15% Feb03 511 537 95% 130 375 - 73% $14,325 $16,800 -15% Mar03 499 523 95% 134 395 - 79% $15,441 $16,248 -5% No. % No. Budget Renwl Budget Renwl $ Budget Renwl (No.) Var Monthly Donate(No.) Don Amount ($) ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Jan02 579 446 130% 120 442 259 76% $18,341.00 $12,531.00 Feb02 562 544 103% 123 410 315 73% $15,508.00 $15,304.00 Mar02 548 511 107% 122 379 296 69% $14,442.00 $14,371.00 Apr02 526 551 -5% 122 413 318 79% $15,956.00 $15,441.00 May02 377 524 -28% 128 358 302 95% $13,157.00 $14,651.00 Jun02 215 517 -58% 123 253 300 118% $7,181.00 $14,569.00 Jul02 251 309 -19% 129 231 179 92% $5,986.00 $8,816.00 Aug02 239 263 -9% 130 215 152 90% $5,252.00 $7,566.00 Sep02 234 280 -16% 135 252 162 108% $6,597.00 $8,113.00 Oct02 266 257 104% 136 166 149 62% $6,692.00 $7,443.00 Nov02 338 205 165% 136 291 119 86% $9,116.00 $5,909.00 Dec02 302 239 126% 131 339 138 112% $12,402.00 $6,805.00 YTD02 6041 6266 -4% - 3749 2689 139% $130,630.00 $131,519.00 Jan01 674 395 - - 460 - - $18,874.00 $17,266.00 Feb01 451 468 - - 364 - - $13,597.00 $20,465.00 Mar01 405 443 - - 441 - - $17,015.00 $19,399.00 Apr01 521 473 - 83 338 - - $13,533.00 $20,674.00 May01 558 426 - 89 395 - - $14,525.00 $18,620.00 Jun01 393 295 - 94 349 - - $12,366.00 $12,911.00 Jul01 274 155 - 91 215 - - $6,474.00 $6,779.00 Aug01 298 113 - 80 183 - - $6,709.00 $4,924.00 Sep01 226 122 - 111 213 - - $5,208.00 $5,323.00 Oct01 217 133 - 112 195 - - $4,598.00 $5,813.00 Nov01 301 117 - 113 258 - - $7,760.00 $5,119.00 Dec01 313 210 - 113 266 - - $9,167.00 $9,201.00 Membership Activity ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Member To line Ratio Members chng New fcast rnew fcast unarch arch mbr mbr Jan03 6,730 1% 37 208 164 661 553 52 147 Feb03 6,859 1% 38 237 134 511 537 17 145 Mar03 7,099 1% 39 261 164 499 523 26 46 YTD02 6,618 -3% 36 1604 1620 6041 4646 369 2195 Jan02 6,799 - 37 134 177 579 446 14 137 Feb02 6,790 - 37 109 169 563 544 33 150 Mar02 6,837 - 38 134 157 548 511 30 117 Apr02 6,883 - 38 146 119 526 551 28 130 May02 6,823 - 37 122 135 377 524 21 198 Jun02 6,748 - 37 116 116 215 517 6 202 Jul02 6,701 - 37 148 106 251 309 57 250 Aug02 6,616 - 36 148 136 239 263 35 282 Sep02 6,613 - 36 146 141 234 280 57 206 Oct02 6,606 - 36 168 136 266 257 51 230 Nov02 6,616 - 36 134 130 338 291 39 166 Dec02 6,618 36 99 97 302 239 25 127 Jan01 7,565 - 42 186 98 674 395 0 211 Feb01 7,495 - 41 120 98 521 473 3 255 May01 7,184 - 39 154 98 558 426 31 250 Jun01 7,235 - 40 106 98 393 295 25 88 Jul01 7,078 - 39 94 98 274 155 14 268 Aug01 6,939 - 38 131 98 298 113 45 333 Sep01 6,786 - 37 150 98 226 122 55 372 Oct01 6,771 - 37 152 98 217 133 28 209 Nov01 6,782 - 37 150 98 301 117 28 176 Dec01 6,774 - 37 81 98 313 210 17 114 Note: Member to Line Ratio only includes full time lines (12 at Mitel, 170 at Carleton)