National Capital FreeNet / Libertel de la Capitale nationale

NCF Board of Directors
Minutes of Meeting
November 22, 2011

Draft Minutes


Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Directors

The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. with Chris Cope as Chair.


Board members present:
Christopher Cope (bz787), President
Gary Eikenberry (aa353) 1st Vice-president
Alan McRae (fl334) Treasurer
Mark Mielke (al278)
Doug Hull (aa800)
Mike Kelly (fm342)
Amy Yee (fp017)
Ken McCarthy (fr786)

Graeme Beckett (aw958) Secretary
Michael Weiss (ft850)
Peter MacKinnon (fr198)

NCF Management/Staff present:
Ross Kouhi (ah455), Executive Director

Jim Elder (aa456)

Once around the table . . .
Informal pre-meeting conversation, with Directors taking turn offering personal views and commentary on interesting things that might not make it to the Agenda.

  1. Introduction of our new Executive Director Ross Kouhi

    The Chair, Chris Cope introduced Ross Kouhi and asked him to say a few words about his background.
  2. Confirmation of Quorum

    Quorum was confirmed.
  3. Review of the Agenda  

    The draft agenda was adopted as presented.

    MOTION: That the agenda be adopted.
    Moved by: Mike Kelly (fm342)
    Seconded by: Doug Hull (aa800)
    VOTE: All in favor. 
    VOTE: Adopted

  4. Review of the Minutes of the Previous Meetings.
    MOTION: Adopt the minutes of the September 20, 2011 meeting as circulated.
    Moved by: Gary Eikenberry (aa353)
    Seconded by: Doug Hull (aa800)
    VOTE All in favor.
    VOTE: Adopted

    MOTION: Adopt the minutes of the September 29, 2011 Special meeting as circulated.
    Moved by: Alan McRae (fl334)
    Seconded by: Mike Kelly (fm342)
    VOTE All in favor.
    VOTE: Adopted
  5. Ongoing Business

  6. Reports 
    1. Report of the Executive Director (Ross Kouhi)
      • Thorough facility clean-up completed
      • Desktop computer displays updated
      • New trouble-ticket system implemented – integrates voicemail
      • Hardware supplier change in progress; cost and reliability improvements expected
      • Google Adwords campaigns relaunched to engage on-line market
      • Dial-up line-use peaks at 60% allows for cost-reduction planning
      • Initial exploratory engagement w/ City Parks, Rec & Culture dept.
      • Market salary research identifies targets for staff.

      To receive the Executive Directors Report.
      Moved by: Amy Yee (fp017)
      Seconded by: Gary Eikenberry (aa353)
      VOTE: All in favor. 
      VOTE: Received

    2. Treasurers Report (Alan McRae)

      The Treasurer, Alan McRae indicated that there were few significant financial issues and suggested that we are in “steady as she goes” mode. However, he did note that we are awaiting a refund from GST.

      To receive the verbal report of the Treasurer
      Moved by: Ken McCarthy (fr786)
      Seconded by: Doug Hull (aa800)
      VOTE: All in favor. 
      VOTE: Received
    3. Executive Committee Report (Chris Cope)

      None - The Executive Committee did not meet during the period
    4. Report of Strategic Planning/Marketing Committee (Doug Hull)

      Doug Hull presented a short verbal report concerning the activities of the Strategic Planning/Marketing Committee. Highlights included:
      • Library MoU finalized and signed, reinforcing ongoing relationship with Ottawa Public Library.
      • Additional meeting and conversation required with the Catholic School board to explore, identify collaboration direction.
    5. Report of the Connectivity Committee (Mike Kelly)

       None - The Connectivity Committee did not meet during the period
  7. New Business  
    1. 2012 Budget Discussion

      With the pending year end, and the beginning of the 2012 calendar year, an operational budget is required to as part of the planning process. The Executive Director creates a draft budget going into the new year to form the basis of the discussion and present possible scenarios for the coming year. The planning process will progress towards finalizing a budget for 2012 as per the feedback and discussion from a review of the draft budget.

      MOTION: To hold a special meeting of the National Capital FreeNet to review a draft budget, with the meeting to be held at the NCF offices at 7:00 PM on December 6, 2011
      Moved by: Alan McRae (fl334)
      Seconded by: Mike Kelly (fm342)
      VOTE: All in favor. 
      VOTE: Carried
    2. CRTC Telecom Regulatory Policy on and Business and Residential High-speed Access Services

      On November 15, the CRTC announced a ruling on the issue of Usage Based Billing, on which they had been deliberating for some time. According to the ruling:

      Under the CRTC’s new capacity-based approach, large telephone and cable companies will sell wholesale bandwidth to independent ISPs on a monthly basis. Independent ISPs will have to determine in advance the amount they need to serve their retail customers and then manage network capacity until they are able to purchase more. Alternatively, large companies can continue to charge independent ISPs a flat monthly fee for wholesale access, regardless of how much bandwidth their customers use. Both billing options give independent ISPs the ability to design service plans and charge their own customers as they see fit.

      It is anticipated that this ruling will have some implications for the way in which Bell charges its wholesellers and thus, in turn, will impact the cost of providing high-speed Internet service to the members of NCF. While the specific impact on the organization may not be felt for several weeks, it is prudent to ensure that NCF is prepared to analyze the impact of the ruling on costs from our supplier and be ready to evaluate possible impact on pricing of DSL service.

      MOTION: To strike an ad hoc connectivity strategy committee to assist the Executive Director in this matter. The committee will incorporate the members of the existing Connectivity Committee to deal with CRTC and the associated connectivity issues and opportunities. This committee will be comprised of Mike Kelly (fm342), Graeme Beckett (aw958), and Ross Kouhi (ah455), the Executive Director, who shall be an ex-officio member and such other resources as the Committee shall appoint:
      Moved by: Gary Eikenberry (aa353)
      Seconded by: Mike Kelly (fm342)
      VOTE: All in favor. 
      VOTE: Carried
    3. Banking Resolution

      Whereas the current signing authority for the organization’s Royal Bank account (00006-1086313) at the 90 Spark Street branch requires only one signature, NCF will move to designate the signing officers for the account to be any two of the following four individuals: Chris Cope (bz787), Gary Eikenberry (aa353), Alan McRae(fl334), Ross Kouhi(ah455).

      Moved by: Mark Mielke (al278)
      Seconded by: Amy Yee (fp017)
      VOTE: All in favor. 
      VOTE: Carried
  8. Announcements

  9. Date of Next Meeting

    December 6, 2011, NCF Offices, Suite 302 Trailhead Building.

  10. Adjournment
    The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.

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