SUMMARY (first meeting after the 2001 AGM) Continuing directors: Graeme Beckett, Seline Herz-Fischler, Mark Mielke, David Millman Re-elected directors: Sandy Campbell, Miranda Gray Newly-elected directors: Chris Cope, Gary Eikenberry, John Peterson, Cathy Wenuk, John Wenuk Resolutions: Approved the recommendations of the Executive Director Search Committee to engage the services of Ian MacEachern -------------- Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Directors held on March 20th, 2001 at 7:00 pm at Ottawa City Hall 111 Lisgar, Ottawa, Ontario PRESENT: Graeme Beckett President aw958 GB Sandy Campbell dt820 SC Christopher Cope bz787 CC Gary Eikenberry aa353 GE Miranda Gray 2nd Vice-President ak717 MG Seline Herz-Fischler 1st Vice-President as370 SH Mark Mielke al278 MM David Millman Treasurer aa342 DM John Peterson af186 JP Catherine Wenuk ep584 CW John Wenuk ep585 JW REGRETS: NCF STAFF PRESENT: Sheila Alder (bw306) Andre Dalle (al178) NCF MEMBERS PRESENT: Marissa Bovey (bh590) Jessica Cohen (aa724) (Secretary) Jim Elder (aa456) Scott McBride (en064) Kim Martin (eo075) Robert Rattey (ac866) Michael Philip Sinclair (dz696) Richard Webb (dw413) Minute-Taker: Joan Robertson (cw055) 1. Introductions The meeting was called to order at 7:15 with Graeme Beckett as Chair, and Jessica Cohen as Secretary. 2. Approval of the Minutes Approval of previous minutes: It was agreed that in Section 5a of the February minutes the words "now owed to us" be removed. Those who were at the February meeting voted in favor, those who weren't abstained. 3. Review of the Agenda Miranda asked that two items be added: Conflict of interest discussion, and Confidentiality discussion. 4. Conflict of Interest Miranda reminded the board that conflicts of interest must be declared as they arise, and asked that board members describe any possible conflicts. Each director described their relevant associations. 5. Confidentiality Confidentiality was discussed. 6. High-Tech Directory Proposal For the benefit of new directors, Richard Webb gave an overview of his 'high tech directory' system, first presented to the Board last fall. It was recommended that Richard approach the new Executive Director to review the proposal. 7. REPORTS 7a) Treasurer's Report (David Millman) Donations from renewals in February were $7K under budget. Revenue from corporate donations is up. Revenue over expenses is 7K, with everything else as expected. Chris asked that a copy of budget be distributed for new board members. 7b) Operations Report (Graeme Beckett) There was no opportunity to prepare an operations report. Graeme reported that modem services on 1135 was working well. Sheila mentioned that the office is receiving many complaints about service on the 9013 modems. Graeme reported that the contract for was renewed until March 31, 2002 (or until Volnet ends). 7c) AGM Report (Jessica Cohen, AGM chair) There were 832 ballots cast, including about 20 by proxy. There was an error regarding the number of one-year and two-year terms in the reporting of the results -- it should have been one two-year and two one-year terms, but was stated as two two-year and one one-year. Jessica recommended that the terms be left as announced and that adjustments be made as opportunities arise due to vacancies, etc (this received general agreement). All three formal AGM motions passed. Robert Rattey thanked Jessica for her work as AGM chair. MOTION: That we thank all those who ran in the Board elections and those who worked to make the AGM a success. Moved by: Seline Herz-Fischler Seconded by: Miranda Gray Passed unanimously. 7d) Status of HRDC and SmartCapital Projects (Jeff Bossert) Jeff Bossert (Comgate Engineering) presented an overview of the projects NCF is involved in with HRDC and SmartCapital (an Industry Canada program handled by OCRI). Please refer to his report for more detail. Jeff submitted for the Board's consideration a draft letter to cover NCF's position on these projects. MOTION: That President Graeme Beckett send, on behalf of NCF, the draft letter supporting the Thin Client and Webmail projects as submitted by Jeff Bossert. Moved by: Miranda Gray Seconded by: Sandy Campbell Approved unanimously. 8. OTHER BUSINESS 8a) Appointment of Secretary MOTION: That Director Sandy Campbell be appointed Secretary until the meeting of May 2001. Moved by: Chris Cope Seconded by: Seline Herz-Fischler Passed unanimously. 8b) Membership of the Finance Committee It was noted that the Finance Committee has only two members and a third with appropriate skills ought to be recruited. 8c) Thanks to Outgoing Directors MOTION: That outgoing board members Jessica Cohen and Natalie Munro be thanked for their contributions to NCF. Moved by: Seline Herz-Fischler Seconded by: Chris Cope Passed unanimously. 8d) Announcements Office Manager Sheila Alder told of two national magazine articles which arose from her NCF web pages. 9. NEXT MEETING April 17, 2001 at 7pm, Billings Room, City Hall, 111 Lisgar, Ottawa