Executive Director's Report December, 1999 =========================== January 17, 2000 By Christopher L. Cope (execdir@freenet.carleton.ca) Contents: 1. Administration & Funding 2. Member Services and Future Initiatives 3. System Administration 1. Administration & Funding =========================== a) Donation Data - New Registrations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In December, we had only 114 new members come on board, compared to our forecast of 400. Throughout the year, we averaged 210 new members per month for a total of 2,521 in the year or below Budget by 40%. From a financial perspective, we fared a little better and collected $1,794 this month (-55%) under Budget for a total of $28,153 for the year or below Budget by 33%. Now that the year is complete, we can determine that in 1999, just under half of our new registrants donated (47.5%). This is an improvement on 1998 where only 43% of our new members donated. The average donation in 1999 was $23.50, a slight decline from 1998's average of $23.79 No. No. % Of Avg. Regist New Budget Regist Memb $ Budget Regist Donat'n Memb. (No.) Var Donate Donate Amount ($) Var Donat'n All New ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ YTD'98 3,488 7,224 -52% 1,499 43.0% $35,668 $46,225 -23% $23.79 $10.23 Avg'98 291 602 -52% 125 43.0% $ 2,972 $ 3,852 -23% $23.79 $10.23 Jan. 205 300 -32% 133 64.9% $ 3,297 $ 3,000 -10% $24.79 $16.08 Feb 230 300 -23% 127 55.2% $ 2,704 $ 3,000 -10% $23.62 $13.04 Mar. 213* 300 -29% 114 53.5% $ 2,875 $ 3,000 -4% $26.32 $14.08 Apr. 203 300 -32% 95 46.8% $ 2,437 $ 3,000 -19% $31.58 $14.78 May 141 300 -53% 91 64.5% $ 2,002 $ 3,000 -33% $32.97 $21.28 Jun. 151 300 -50% 67 44.4% $ 1,391 $ 3,000 -54% $44.78 $19.87 Jul. 289 400 -28% 111 38.4% $ 2,518 $ 4,000 -37% $36.04 $13.84 Aug. 223 400 -44% 97 43.5% $ 2,474 $ 4,000 -38% $41.24 $17.94 Sep. 291 400 -27% 95 32.6% $ 2,309 $ 4,000 -42% $42.11 $13.75 Oct. 201 400 -50% 103 51.2% $ 2,047 $ 4,000 -49% $38.83 $19.09 Nov. 260 400 -35% 100 38.5% $ 2,305 $ 4,000 -42% $40.00 $15.38 Dec. 114 400 -72% 65 57.0% $ 1,794 $ 4,000 -55% $61.54 $35.09 ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ YTD'99 2,521 4,200 -40% 1,198 47.5% $28,153 $42,000 -33% $23.50 $11.17 Avg'99 210 350 -40% 100 47.5% $ 2,346 $ 3,500 -33% $23.50 $11.17 b) Donation Data - Renewals ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ December was a busy month for renewals. 405 members renewed their account in December, compared to our forecast of 387. Throughout the year, we averaged 549 renewals per month for a total of 6,587 in the year, a figure that was below Budget by some 26%. Financially, we were closer to our target collecting $11,200 this month (42% over Budget) for a total of $149,521 for the year or below Budget by 18%%. Now that the year is complete, we can determine that in 1999, 84% of our renewing members donated at time of renewal. This is a significant improvement on 1998 where only 66.7% of our renewing members donated. The average renewal donation in 1999 was $26.92, again, a marked improvement on 1998's average of $16.17. No. % Of Avg. Renwl No. Budget Renwl Renwl $ Budget Renwl Donate Renwl (No.) Var Donate Donate Amount ($) Var Donatn All Ren ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ YTD'98 9,697 10,012 -3% 6,465 66.7% $156,819 $228,388 -31% $24.26 $16.17 AVG'98 808 834 -3% 539 66.7% $ 13,068 $ 19,032 -31% $24.26 $16.17 Jan. 906 1,020 3% 880 97.1% $ 20,844 $ 20,800 0% $23.69 $23.01 Feb. 826 1,279 -35% 781 94.6% $ 23,316 $ 26,100 -11% $29.85 $28.23 Mar. 1,151 1,162 -1% 818 71.1% $ 23,422 $ 23,700 -1% $28.63 $20.35 Apr. 717 1,235 -42% 576 80.3% $ 15,586 $ 25,200 -38% $27.06 $21.74 May 663 1,176 -44% 572 86.3% $ 15,522 $ 24,000 -35% $27.14 $23.41 Jun. 410 873 -53% 400 97.6% $ 10,051 $ 17,800 -44% $25.13 $24.51 Jul. 348 510 -32% 268 77.0% $ 7,350 $ 10,400 -29% $27.43 $21.12 Aug. 268 358 -25% 224 83.6% $ 4,991 $ 7,300 -32% $22.28 $18.62 Sep. 305 270 13% 197 64.6% $ 4,510 $ 5,500 -18% $22.89 $14.79 Oct. 320 309 4% 207 64.7% $ 4,843 $ 6,300 -23% $23.40 $15.13 Nov. 268 314 -15% 292 109% $ 7,886 $ 6,400 23% $27.01 $29.43 Dec. 405 387 5% 339 83.7% $ 11,200 $ 7,900 42% $33.04 $27.65 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ YTD'98 6,587 8,892 -26% 5,554 84% $149,521 $181,400 -18% $26.92 $22.70 AVG'98 549 741 -26% 463 84% $ 12,460 $ 15,117 -18% $26.92 $22.70 c) Unassigned Donations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Donations not associated with registration or renewals: Period Donors Donation Average ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ 1998 Total 1,103 $34,033 $30.85 1999 Total 121 $ 3,695 $30.54 No major funding drive was held in 1999 and we closed the year in essentially the same position we were in August at 121 donations totaling $3,695. We did however receive a further $816.00 in the month of December as proceeds from the online auction. d) Membership Activity: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Our membership closed at 10,325, a decline of 2.6% in the month and down from 16,691 at the beginning of the year. Interestingly, the number of renewals this month nearly matched the number of archivals at 405 and 411 respectively. |Member | Current |To line| Actual |Ratio |Number Forecast Number Forecast Number Number # of % inc. | |Of New No. of Members No. of Members Members Members -dec. |Lns :1 |Members New Memb Renewed Renewed Un-arch Archvd ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ |~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Jan. 16,691 -1.5% |213 76| 205 300 906 1,020 0 0 Feb. 13,461 4.7% |213 80| 230 300 826 1,279 1 4,739 Mar. 14,517 7.8% |213 80| 213 300 1,151 1,162 4 252 Apr. 14,115 -2.8% |213 67| 203 300 717 1,235 2 607 May 13,299 -5.8% |213 62| 141 300 663 1,176 7 964 Jun. 13,071 -1.7% |213 61| 151 300 410 873 4 887 Jul. 12,497 -4-4% |213 59| 289 400 348 510 0 863 Aug. 12,438 -0.5 |213 58| 223 400 268 358 0 282 Sep. 11,072 -10.7% |213 52| 291 400 305 270 31 688 Oct. 10,669 -4.0% |213 50| 201 400 320 309 8 652 Nov. 10,600 -0.6% |213 50| 260 400 268 314 268 597 Dec. 10,325* -2.6% |213 48| 114 400 405 387 22 411 *calculated, based on changes to last month's figure. e) Sponsorship, Homepage Data and Information Providers: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The number of IPs with Web pages rose by 32% to 223, now matching the number of IPs with menus, which has declined by 20 to 223. The number of personal home pages decreased slightly this month to 841. At year-end, 8.1% of our members had personal homepages. Org. Org. | Line Line | New Total Free -Dec. | Home of Accts Accts | Spons Spons | IPs IPs Pages % | Page Memb ~~~~~ ~~~~~ | ~~~~~ ~~~~~ | ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ | ~~~~~ ~~~~ Jan. 1 41| 0 8 | 1 300 92 7.0% |1,051 9.9% Feb. 5 46| 0 8 | 5 305 94 2.2% |1,094 8.1% Mar. 2 48| 0 8 | -5 300 99 5.3% |1,078 7.4% Apr. 4 52| 0 8 | -2 298 101 2.0% |1,051 7.4% May 2 54| 0 8 | -6 292 99 -2.0% |1,007 7.6% June 2 56| 0 8 | 1 293 105 6.1% | 974 7.5% July 0 56| 0 8 | 1 294 105 0% | 916 7.3% Aug. 1 57| 0 8 | -18 276 103 -1.9% | 867 7.0% Sep. 3 60| 0 8 | -16 260 156 51.5% | 838 7.5% Oct. 3 63| 0 8 | -11 249 133*-14.7% | 839 7.9% Nov. 0 63| 0 8 | -6 243 168 26.3% | 852 8.0% Dec. 2 65| 0 8 | -20 223 223 32.7% | 841 8.1% f) Modem Usage Data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (i) Weekly Sessions: The "Count Server" software continues to be inoperative, and the following usage statistics have been manually extracted by the Sysadmin. Accordingly, some numbers may not be collected in precisely the same way as earlier statistics. The number of PPP sessions fell off in December to 40,526, a decline of approximately 9%. Text sessions declined markedly to 6,485 or down by some 79%, resulting in total usage of 47,011, representing a decline of approximately 38% compared to November. PPP Users PPP Users Text Users Total Increase Main Pool Mitel Pool Total PPP (Main Pool) Sessions Decrease ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ Jan 7,656 14% 52,953 Feb 7,068 17% 42,381 -20% Mar 29,635 44% 8,125 12% 37,769 55% 30,320 45% 68,080 61% Apr 25,350 38% 8,885 13% 34,235 51% 33,017 49% 67,252 -1% May 30,565 42% 8,444 12% 39,009 54% 33,757 46% 72,766 8% Jun 35,280 47% 7,455 10% 42,735 57% 32,705 43% 75,440 4% Jul 37,590 50% 5,833 8% 43,423 58% 31,084 42% 74,507 -1% Aug 35,305 51% 4,738 7% 40,043 57% 29,853 43% 69,896 -6% Sep 35,410 53% 4,842 7% 40,252 60% 26,458 40% 66,710 -5% Oct 29,410 50% 7,175 12% 36,585 62% 22,742 38% 59,327 -11% Nov 37,450 49% 7,319 10% 44,769 59% 31,044 41% 75,813 28% Dec 32,146 68% 8,380 18% 40,526 86% 6,485 14% 47,011 -38% (ii) Unique users in a one week period: The number of unique users using the PPP service declined to 4,805 compared to 8,190 last month. As in the number of sessions above, the number has been manually extracted by the Sysadmin, and may not reflect the same basis as earlier statistics. The number of text users remained fairly static at 4,293, a slight decline from 4,523 in November. On review, the numbers reported in December are quite similar to, and in fact higher than those reported in earlier months, suggesting that the statistics for November were an anomaly, or an error. PPP Users PPP Users Text Users Total Increase Main Pool Mitel Pool Total PPP (Main Pool) Sessions Decrease ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ Jan 1,178 16% 7,187 Feb 1,127 17% 6,508 -9% Mar 2,510 30% 1,095 13% 3,605 43% 4,711 57% 8,316 28% Apr 2,419 31% 1,163 15% 3,582 46% 4,243 54% 7,825 -6% May 2,599 33% 1,168 15% 3,767 48% 4,130 52% 7,897 1% Jun 2,600 35% 1,103 15% 3,703 49% 3,789 51% 7,492 -5% Jul 3,522 49% 986 14% 4,508 63% 2,676 37% 7,184 -4% Aug 2,765 39% 933 13% 3,698 53% 3,323 47% 7,021 -2% Sep 2,787 40% 938 14% 3,725 54% 3,182 46% 6,907 -2% Oct 3,090 42% 1,026 14% 4,116 56% 3,173 44% 7,289 6% Nov 7,164 56% 1,026 8% 8,190 64% 4,523 36% 12,713 74% Dec 3,719 41% 1,086 12% 4,805 53% 4,293 47% 9,098 -28% f) Modem Availability ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A modem was changed on our test machine allowing us to resume testing of modem availability. Some 4,164 attempts were performed with the following results. The Mitel pool (271-9768) appears to be the least convenient, showing availability only during very late hours. The main modem pool (520-1135) has considerable flexibility with modems available most of the time, although a little more heavily used from 20:00 to 22:00. The high-speed pool (520-9013) like Mitel is under heavy usage and accordingly reports good availability only during non-peak hours, and even then is often busy. The table following this, explores these results further. 271-9768 520-1135 520-9013 Hr:Min Samp Aval Fail Samp Aval Fail Samp Aval Fail ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 00:00 80 30% 70% 80 78% 21% 80 26% 17% 01:00 80 32% 66% 80 87% 12% 80 53% 21% 02:00 2 50% 50% 2 100% 0% 0 0% 0% 07:00 80 41% 58% 80 92% 7% 80 61% 21% 08:00 80 40% 60% 80 88% 11% 80 42% 21% 09:00 80 37% 61% 80 91% 8% 80 25% 22% 10:00 80 38% 61% 80 80% 20% 80 17% 8% 11:00 80 33% 66% 80 85% 15% 80 23% 20% 12:00 61 36% 63% 61 95% 4% 61 39% 19% 13:00 61 32% 67% 61 90% 9% 60 30% 23% 14:00 46 34% 65% 46 89% 10% 46 30% 34% 15:00 40 17% 72% 40 82% 17% 40 40% 20% 16:00 61 13% 36% 59 76% 23% 59 40% 16% 17:00 80 20% 36% 80 75% 25% 80 23% 15% 18:00 80 20% 68% 80 86% 13% 80 17% 18% 19:00 80 16% 60% 80 75% 25% 80 15% 6% 20:00 80 18% 73% 80 66% 27% 80 10% 13% 21:00 80 10% 56% 80 68% 25% 80 11% 7% 22:00 80 5% 63% 80 52% 23% 80 13% 11% 23:00 80 26% 67% 80 80% 18% 80 17% 11% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1,391 27% 61% 1,389 82% 16% 1,386 27% 16% In this table, the results are tabulated on the basis of error message, allowing an analysis of busy trends, failure etc. The Mitel pool (271-9768) shows a 45.9% failure to return a service menu and 15.5% no carrier, although these numbers may be skewed by a text-based test facility attempting to connect to a PPP terminal server. Busy signals were reported nearly 12% of the attempts, indicating fairly heavy usage. The main pool (520-1135) is quite a different picture with busy signals returned only 2.3% of the time and a successful connection made on the first try, some 84.6% of attempts. The high-speed pool (520-9013) shows the most pressure, although there are only 25 lines in the group. Busy signals were reported 23.5% of attempts with success only on 45.7% of tries. 271-9768 520-1135 520-9013 ALL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Busy 163 11.7% 30 2.3% 770 55.6% 963 23.5% DialTimeout 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% ModemInitTimeout 0 0.0% 2 0.2% 7 0.5% 9 0.2% NoCarrier 215 15.5% 160 12.1% 217 15.7% 592 14.4% NoDialTone 1 0.1% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1 0.0% NoLoginPrompt 0 0.0% 1 0.1% 1 0.1% 2 0.0% NoServiceMenu 638 45.9% 5 0.4% 1 0.1% 644 15.7% OtherFailure 3 0.2% 5 0.4% 7 0.5% 15 0.4% Success 370 26.6% 1,119 84.6% 383 27.6% 1,872 45.7% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1,390 100.0% 1,322 100.0% 1,386 100.0% 4,098 100.0% 2. Member Services and Future Initiatives ========================================== a) Projects ~~~~~~~~ (i) Extended Access II - RMOC RMOC, as part of their Y2K readiness planning, continues to postpone this project as they wish to operate under a "clean software" environment from now until early next year. The project will be reactivated in March, 2000. (ii) Industry Canada - Urban CAP: Industry Canada has finally announced the Urban CAP rollout and has prepared a revised proposal guide. The first round of applications will be February 2, 2000, with 3 additional rounds to be held over the next year. Industry Canada now anticipates only about 1,000 community-based Urban projects across Canada with about 4,000 Urban CAP sites to come from sister Government departments, Schools and Libraries. We continue in our discussions with other interested groups in the City and expect to be in a position to assist several projects by offering email service, news etc. for those of their users who wish to become FreeNet members. Similarly, we continue with our discussions with a panel of representatives from most groups with an interest in Urban CAP in this city with a view to developing a citywide strategy. Industry Canada has indicated that it will support this process, and may in fact provide some financial assistance to the organizing process. (iii) Industry Canada - VolNet: The delivery phase of the VolNet program continues. The following table illustrates progress to date: Number of applications approved to date: 239 Number of applications on hold: 10 Target number of organizations 249 Number of new computers delivered: 92 Number of new computer orders outstanding: 43 Number of recycled computers delivered 4 Number of recycled computers outstanding 6 Number of organizations connected to NCF 115 Number of organizations visited 105 The classroom-training segment of the VolNet service delivery starts on January 17, 2000 at the Rainbow Skills Centre Industry Canada has signed a contract with NCF to host their own website "volnet.org" The contract, which runs to March 31, 2001 includes a small set-up fee as well as a monthly amount for hosting their virtual domain. (iv) HRDC (Office of Learning Technology): Thin Client On December 17, The Honourable Jane Stewart, Minister of Human Resources Development Canada approved full funding ($260,600) for our Thin Client project. The project also includes Corel Corporation, Citrix Systems, Rebel.com, Microsoft and Softquad Software as partners. (v) HRDC (Office of Learning Technology): Webmail We continue to await approval of the development phase of our Webmail project. b) Public Relations Update ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fiona Hammond (ed491) has agreed to take over the role of coordinating the Public Relations team and looking after events, planning, menus, PR-related webpages etc. Hammond's first project will be our 7th birthday celebration planned for February 2, 2000, Welcome to the PRT Fiona. Gordon Pearson's column in the December edition of Monitor is a humorous summary of FreeNet's history to date. Mr. Pearson applauds our survival and provides a nice plug for our Thin Client project. Mr. Pearson's article can be read at: http://www.ncf.carleton.ca/ip/freenet/announce/monitor/1999-11 or in text-mode, type "go freebytes" Fiona Hammond (as above) and a team of helpers who organized the "FUNdraiser" held December 5th at Perfect Strangers reported donations totaling $160 from the event. Thank you Fiona and Friends. c) 7th Birthday celebration The National Capital FreeNet is 7 years old and all FreeNet members are invited to the party. On Wednesday February 2nd, 2000, NCF celebrates its 7th birthday at RMOC Headquarters. Lots of special VIP guests and presentations. Many of NCF's Special Interest Groups (SIGs) will be represented and of course we'll have birthday cake. Refreshments will be available at a cash bar. d) Survey Work is nearly complete on the NCF survey that will be available the week of January 24, 2000. Thanks go to Board member Jean Wilmot who crafted the questions. Staff will complete all necessary web work. e) Message from MoM A message will be sent to all members in January containing three subjects: i) AGM details ii) NCF Survey iii) Birthday Celebration e) Auction ~~~~~~~ The NCF Auction continues to run and has raised $816.00 in the month of December. The auction, which is "Lynx-friendly" for our text users, can be accessed at http://auction.ncf.ca/ or in text mode by typing "go auction". Donations of items to be auction has nearly stopped and the site will not continue to garner interest with nothing to buy. f) Top Five Priorities - ED ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (1) System reliability - Replace terminal server at Mitel - Continue to monitor and modify modem/annex arrangement at Carleton (2) Projects - Webmail - Urban CAP - VolNet - Thin Client (3) Birthday (4) AGM (5) Auction - find ways on encouraging donated items 3. System Administration ======================== a) Reliability Concerns ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Because of the considerable quantity of work to complete our Y2K readiness plan, very little Sysadmin work, not directly related to the Year end and Y2K readiness plan was completed in December. b) Y2K ~~~ Much Sysadmin time was invested in getting freenet10 operational, running FreePort under Solaris. freenet10, is the former News Server machine and is quite a robust machine able to handle the entire FreePort load. Many known and a few unforeseen things such as terminal emulation settings, VISA deposits, various user and shell tools all had to be looked over and corrected and continue to demand Sysadmin time as new problems appear. There are still a number of bugs to fix, but the worst is over and progress on other projects will gradually resume its normal pace. Each of the server systems has now been updated to the Solaris 7 operating environment. This allows us to further integrate our internal setup, eliminating the complexity of a multi-platform environment. Standardization on Solaris 7 also simplifies the task of keeping all systems up to the latest patch level, as we can simply apply the same set of patches across all our servers. c) AGM2000 ~~~~~~~ A Sparc5 system has been installed in the racks for service as the AGM2000 machine. The AGM for the first time will be run in a web environment. The system will be accessible both via Netscape and Lynx users. Mark Mielke (al278) has nearly finished the new web-based software that we will use to run the AGM this year. d) Netscape Enterprise Web Server ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ While there are a number of advantages to migrating the existing webserver to the UltraSPARC server (f9), this upgrade has been postponed until the Y2K process and changeover is complete and systems have been restored to stable operation. e) Dynamic HTML ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Sysadmin team has successfully integrated the necessary technologies required for updating our web environment to include a dynamic scripting environment (PHP: http://www.php.net/) supported by a capable SQL server (MySQL: http://www.mysql.com/) have been installed. This software environment enables us to create and support dynamic HTML offerings, particularly useful for our Webteam. Richard Bethell (cj434) will explore migrating data currently collected in HTML to take advantage of this environment through web-access to a database. Volunteers will be able to continue work on CapitalFind and similar projects without need of special HTML skills. Similarly, this environment enables us to consider creation of a community portal containing dynamic links to content generated by outside sources. e) Mitel ~~~~~ The Mitel T-1's have been configured for use and are ready to go. This means that we will be able to install the Cisco AS5200 terminal server at Mitel once Mitel install date which suits Mitel can be set. f) Migrate POP ~~~~~~~~~~~ As the AGM2000 necessitates the immediate requirement for a Sparc5 system, migration of POP services from the aging Sparc2 machine will be delayed until such time as hardware is available. f) Sysadmin Priorities ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (1) Complete Solaris migration plan, retire SunOS. (2) Migrate webserver to UltraSPARC server. (3) Install AS5200 NAS at Mitel and configure (4) Configure and enable additional NAS at Carleton (5) Migrate POP services to a mightier machine. -- *** Christopher L. Cope, Executive Director *** National Capital Freenet / Libertel de la Capitale nationale tel. (613) 520-2600 ext. 8024 -or- fax (613) 520-3524