Please forward to the board of directors the following motions to ammend the FreeNet's by-laws for at the Annual General Meeting. motion 1 is to change by-law #3 on membership fees to read "3. There shall be no membership fee in money or in labour." justification: to prevent the imposition of a fee of labour as a requirement for membership. moved by: William Watt ag384 seconded by: Candace L. Faucher dl865 motion 2 is to change by-law #3 on membership fees to read "3. There shall be an annual membership fee. The fee may be paid in money or labour at the choice of the member. The fee for 1999 is $24 or 12 hours of labour. Thereafter the fee may be increased once in any year by a majority vote of the members at the Annual General Meeting. The fee may be decreased at any time by a majority vote of the board of directors." justification: to allow the imposition of a fee of money or labour as a requirement for membership and to prevent the fee from being increased without the usual approval of the members. The amounts proposed for 1999 are the amounts recommended by members on the board of directors. Putting the initial fee in the by-law prevents a situation in which the imposition of the fee is approved but the fee itself in a separate vote is not. moved by: William Watt ag384 seconded by: Candace L. Faucher dl865 motions 1 and 2 give the members the opportunity to chose clearly and democratically whether they want to have a membership fee paid in money or labour. motion 3 is to change the name of the FreeNet "The name of the corporation is 'The Ottawa-Carleton Community Network'." justification: to reflect the possible imposition of a membership fee, and to remove the ambiguous word "national" in a global communication context where there are many nations. moved by: William Watt ag384 seconded by: Candace L. Faucher dl865 Thank you, Wm. R. Watt membership no. ag384