Recommendation for a Board Planning Session Julie Chahal, Chair of Board Planning Committee The Planning Committee proposes to host a one-day planning session for the new Board. The purpose of this session would be to help the new Board work as a team, help new members understand and support plans already in place, and initiate the next round of planning. Time: a Saturday shortly after the first Board meeting following the election; eg., April 6 or March 30 Place: a relaxed setting such as the Carleton Faculty Club,a Community Centre or the basement of the day care centre on 5th Ave. by the Canal. Who: Board + staff + non-Board members of Planning and Executive committees. Tentative Agenda: 9:00 Objectives for the day and NCF Mission 9:15 Round-the-table: introduction and statement of personal vision (2 min. each enforced) 10:00 Break (coffee and juice?) 10:15 Environmental Scan (Present draft summary of ncf strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Open discussion of one section at a time.) 12:00 Lunch (Order in, pot luck or nearby restaurant) 1:00 Presentation of approved 1996 Strategy 1:15 Round-the-table: How each individual plans to personally contribute to the strategy 2:00 Break 2:15 Open discussion on considerations for 1997 Strategy (Brainstorming of new projects, shifts in direction, issues and priorities as input to our first draft.) 3:30 Planning Committee (Review terms of reference, annual report and plan, membership)