Conflict of Interest Policy DRAFT 1995 December 12 Background ---------- The Board expects ethical and businesslike conduct of itself and of all NCF volunteers and staff. This commitment includes proper use of authority. "Conflict of interest" occurs when an NCF director or other volunteer or NCF employee or contractor acting on behalf of NCF participates in a decision-making or related discussion about a matter which may benefit that person, regardless of the size of the benefit. The conflict must result in a direct or indirect benefit to the person or someone with whom the person has a close personal relationship. Undisclosed conflict of interest is an abuse of authority. Because many NCF staff and volunteers are active in the community and NCF also serves and interacts with that community, conflict of interest issues may arise as part of the normal course of doing NCF business, and should be expected. Dealing with potential conflicts of interest in a prompt, honest, and open manner can prevent serious problems: void decisions, loss of confidence in and respect for NCF, and even lawsuits. Policy ------ All National Capital FreeNet (NCF) directors, volunteers, employees and contractors shall immediately disclose any business, commercial or financial interest where such interest might be construed as being in real, potential or apparent conflict with their official NCF duties. Each director shall consider that his or her primary allegiance in the conduct of NCF's business shall be to NCF. If the director's membership in any other organization would materially affect his or her judgement on a item before the board, such director shall be considered to be in conflict of interest on that item. A person in such conflict of interest shall inform the other individual(s) participating in the decision-making or if solely responsible for a decision, the individual(s) overseeing the person's work or decision, and shall refrain from exercising authority or influencing decision-making on the issue creating the conflict. Disclosure may always be made to the NCF Board of Directors. Disclosure may be made verbally during a physical meeting, otherwise shall be made by e-mail or other electronic means by which a record may be easily kept by the recipient(s). Any possible conflict of interest on the part of a director shall be disclosed to the Board. When any such interest becomes a matter of Board action, such director shall not vote or speak or use personal influence on the matter, and shall not be counted in the quorum for a physical or online meeting at which Board action is to be taken on the interest. The minutes of all such actions taken on such matters shall clearly reflect that these requirements have been met. --- End Of Conflict of Interest Policy DRAFT 1995 December 12