ABOUT BOARD MEETING AGENDA This menu captures the planned agenda for the next meeting of the NCF Board. It will be built over the time between meetings and will reflect items as they are identified and added to the agenda. Where ever possible, as an item is added to the agenda, any backup documentation necessary to understand the background and issues involved in the item will also be added to the Agenda menu. This approach to building the agenda of a meeting is intended to help Board members by providing them with easy and immediate access to the most current information on the next meeting, and so help them to be prepared for the meeting. To any member of NCF, the same information gives them a view of the current issues, and provides some advance notice before a meeting in case they wish to offer their views on any topic to Board members. Since all Board meetings are open to the public, individuals may want to followup on a topic of interest by attending the meeting when the topic is on the agenda.