Background on the Executive Committee It should be noted that the Board "may appoint an Executive Committee for such purpose and with all such powers as the board of directors may determine from time to time" (from By-law 17). At the Feb. 22, 1994 Board meeting it was determined that "the Officers of the Corporation constitute the Executive Committee". At the March 21, 1995 meeting of the new Board, there should be some consideration to either confirming or amending that prior motion concerning the composition of the Executive Committee. The authority of the Executive Committee has been defined from time to time in various policy areas. The current state is summarized in the on-line Executive Committee Authority posting in the NCF Policy Statements area. This posting is reproduced below: EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE AUTHORITY The following is a summary of the authority delegated to the Executive Committee by the NCF Board of Directors in motions passed since the beginning of the Board to the current date. Some further clarifications adopted by the Executive are also noted. a) The Executive Committee has authority to make expenditures up to $500 on behalf of the Board provided that they are one time expenditures and do not represent recurring financial commitments. b) The Executive Committee has authority to make decisions on administrative matters (such as decisions on Office operations) and inform the Board after the fact. c) In exercising the Executive authority on administrative matters, the following specifics have been adopted: a) Andrew Patrick has been assigned responsibility for the System Manager, Ian Allen, and b) David Sutherland has been assigned responsibility for the Executive Director, Lisa Donnelly, on general issues, with Jean Wilmot providing direction in the area of financial matters. d) In order to deal with members who contravene the User Agreement or other NCF policies, the Executive are authorized to suspend user accounts for such contraventions. All suspensions will be reported to the Board and each account will remain suspended unless the Board passes a motion to reinstate the account. e) Robert Pless has been delegated by the Executive Committee to look after investigation of complaints regarding contraventions of the User Agreement or other NCF policies, and to send warning notices. f) In order to deal with newsgroups that are in violation of our Acceptable Use Policy or the User Agreement, the Executive are authorized to remove the newsgroup for such contraventions. All suspensions will be reported to the Board and each such newsgroup will remain suspended unless the Board passes a motion to reinstate the newsgroup. g) Signing authority for the NCF bank account has been delegated to the President, First Vice-President, Treasurer and Executive Director. h) The agenda for Executive Committee meetings will be e-mailed to NCF Board members prior to the meeting, and minutes of such meetings will be e-mailed to Board members within two weeks of the meeting. i) The current composition of the Executive Committee is: David Sutherland President aa001 Andrew Patrick First Vice-President aa118 John Ferguson Second Vice-President aa110 Jean Wilmot Treasurer aa145 Al Seaman Secretary aa331 [End of document] This document should be reviewed and revised to meet the wishes of the current Board.