Minutes of the National Capital FreeNet Board Meeting of 20 June 1995 held in the Billings Room, RMOC Headquarters The following Board members were in attendance: David Blackwood, aa332 Scott Catterill, aa355 Julie Chahal, 2nd Vice President, ab161 Jessica Cohen, aa724 Yvonne Dionne, ao594 Chris Hawley, ah654 David Loan, aa112 Richard Mount, aa009 Andrew Patrick, 1st Vice President, aa118 Richard Taylor, Secretary, aa333 Stephen Toy, aa102 Absent: Brett Delmage, aa693 Rosaleen Dickson, ac174 Dave Sutherland, President, aa001 1. CALL TO ORDER AND INTRODUCTIONS The meeting was called to order at 7:05 by Andrew Patrick. Introductions were made. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MEETING OF 16 MAY 1995 Item 7 (b) was clarified. It was noted that there is a standing offer for receipt of suggestions re: changes to be made to Executive Committee roles. Until such time as changes are made, the Executive Committee will operate according to the roles as currently set out. 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Item 4 (a) of the agenda was referred to the next meeting. A motion to approve expenditure for the Executive Director's travel was added as item 4(d). The issue of Marc Labelle's resignation was added to the agenda as item 8(b). It was also requested that, in an effort to expedite matters, written reports not be read aloud. 4(a) IMPACT OF THE 2-HOUR TIME LIMIT Andrew Patrick noted that this topic has been discussed on several occasions, and requested that Board members only voice new comments at this time. Richard Taylor voiced a suggestion from users that a rolling average be implemented as an alternative to the 2-hour per day limit. Gordon Pearson noted that of the 180 e-mail replies he has received for the on-line funding drive only 3% complained about the implementation of the time limit. Yvonne Dionne noted that there are groups working on solutions using data and that the Board should not make any further changes until such time as these suggestions are brought forward for consideration. Brian Monkman noted that Time Limit Extension Task Force has, to date, approved 25 and denied 10 requests for extended time limits. 4(b) EFFECTS OF IRC It was noted that since the switch to 24-hour IRC, there has been very little change in usage. It was agreed that the 24-hour IRC would be reviewed, using appropriate data such as performance indicators, in 2 - 3 months time. 4 CLARIFICATIONS OF GUEST ACCESS Lisa Donnelly explained that she needs guidance from the Board on the issue of Guest Access - for instance, should this simply be an operational matter, or is a policy required. Julie Chahal expressed the view that there should be a general policy that the NCF is - with the exception of items requiring ID - open for guest use. Richard Taylor agreed, noting the NCF's mission is to serve the people of the region. It was agreed that general guidelines that are in line with NCF practices should be developed and implemented by staff. 4(d) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TRAVEL MOTION (also on-line) by Dave Sutherland, seconded by Yvonne Dionne, to approve the expense of $917.38 to send the Executive Director to the Victoria FreeNet Conference. CARRIED 5. NCF VALUES Julie Chahal brought forward the Statement of Values developed by the Planning Committee for approval. She noted that this item has been brought forward because the Board must make a decision on what it wants the NCF's values to be. These values should reflect who NCF serves, and NCF priorities. This item sparked considerable debate. Comments ranged from the fact that the value statement as laid out does not say anything because it is too vague to the fact that value statements are not goal statements but rather a tool to be used in meeting NCF goals. MOTION by Julie Chahal, seconded by Richard Taylor, that the statement of values as laid out by the Board Planning Committee be approved. CARRIED 6. REPORTS (a) BOARD PLANNING COMMITTEE Julie Chahal noted that the Board Planning Committee has been discussing the issue of where NCF is going re: World-Wide Web and will be bringing forward items for discussion at the next meeting. In response to a question from Miranda Gray, it was noted that these meetings are open and that dates and times are posted on-line. (b) EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The Executive Committee has not met since the last Board meeting. OPERATIONS COMMITTEE Report is on-line. Lisa Donnelly noted that the Liability Insurance has been updated to reflect the appropriate NCF officers. She also noted that Robert Pless would like some assistance in finalizing the Acceptable Use Policy prior to the next meeting - to that end, it was noted that the policy should be posted in Board Moderated for comment. (d) MENU DESIGN COMMITTEE Lisa Donnelly noted that the switch to the new menu will be made on 9 July 1995 at 9:00 a.m. The switch will be well-advertised. Miranda Gray noted that the new menu is not a radical departure but is much more user-friendly. Board members thanked the Committee for their work in this regard. (e) FUNDRAISING UPDATE Report is on-line. Gordon Pearson noted that the Fundraising Auction will be held from 15 July and 12 August [Note: this has since been postponed]. One week is allocated for browsing and three weeks for bidding. The Challenge Fund is underway with the capacity for VISA donations going on-line this week. In response to concerns expressed, it was explained that there is a dedicated printer in the office for receipt of these donations and that VISA numbers are not stored on-line. The NCF efforts to garner volunteers for the National Capital Airshow was also highlighted. Over 150 volunteers signed up to help with the event. The success of this call for volunteers demonstrates the power of NCF to mobilize support and assistance for such events. (f) FINANCIAL REPORT Jeff Bossert distributed a Statement of Revenue, Expenses, and Surplus as well as a Balance Sheet for review. He noted that NCF is cash-healthy because the system expansion has not taken place as was originally planned. 7. PROPOSED PUBLICITY POLICY Mike Anderson noted that this item was brought forward at the 16 May meeting for information and discussed at that time. MOTION by Dave Loan, seconded by Dave Blackwood, that the proposed publicity policy - with minor changes as discussed - be approved. CARRIED **Dave Loan assumed the Chair for this portion of the meeting.** 8(a) NCF OPTIONS RE: WORLD-WIDE WEB Richard Taylor noted that this item is on the agenda for information and discussion only. There was considerable debate on this topic. The general consensus was that this has to be discussed and investigated in-depth. MOTION by Julie Chahal, seconded by Stephen Toy, the issue be referred to the Board Planning Committee. CARRIED MOTION by Jessica Cohen, seconded by Chris Hawley, that on-line discussion on this issue be held in "ott.online". CARRIED **Andrew Patrick resumed the Chair.** 8(b) BOARD MEMBER RESIGNATION It was noted that Marc Labelle, who had 1.5 years left in his term, has resigned from the Board. The by-laws state that, in such instances, the Board shall appoint someone to the position for the remainder of the term. MOTION by Dave Blackwood, seconded by Richard Taylor, that a Nominations Committee be struck to recruit and receive nominations for this position and make a recommendation at the next meeting. CARRIED The Nominations Committee shall be made up of: Chris Hawley (Chair), Gordon Pearson, Lisa Donnelly, Yvonne Dionne and Natalie Munroe. 9. NEXT MEETING A motion to cancel meetings for the month of July and August was defeated. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, 18 July 1995 in the Honeywell Room, RMOC Headquarters at 7:00 p.m. **The meeting went in-camera at 10:15 p.m. to discuss a business proposal.**