PROCEDURE FOR ON-LINE BOARD VOTING (Draft) There are a number of elements that are required for a valid electronic vote. These include: 1) A motion, 2) A seconder, 3) A period for discussion and debate, 4) A call for a vote with a defined end of voting deadline, and 5) A clear definition of the person who will tally and publish the result of the vote after the deadline. In view of our policy on public discussion of Board business, unless the topic of a proposed vote is of a confidential nature ("sensitive legal, financial or personal information"), all of the above steps must be conducted publicly in the Board Moderated newsgroup. The "board" Email alias may be used for confidential cases. 1) The Motion: The posting or mail message introducing the motion may include background information and other detail as the orginator sees fit, and it must include a clearly identified motion. It is suggested that a paragraph heading "MOTION" be used and that the paragraph start with the words "I move that..." followed by the precise words of the motion. The mover should also indicate the time to be allowed for discussion. This is open to judgement; something that has had prior discussion, or is a motherhood issue may need little of no discussion, while something very new or controversial may need much discussion. Be warned that the remedy for too little discussion time is a no vote. 2) The Seconder: The response of the seconder may include any supporting arguments that may be desired, and it must include a clearly identified seconding of the motion. It is suggested that a paragraph heading "SECONDING OF MOTION" be used, and that the paragraph start with the words "I second the motion of [name of mover] that..." followed by the original wording of the motion. 3) The discussion period: During the discussion period, any Board member can respond to the motion, or to the responses of other Board members. To keep the debate on track, please try to restrict the content of responses to things that directly pertain to the motion. During the course of the debate, it may be appropriate to amend the orginal motion. The mover and seconder may do so as in the sections on motion and seconder above. In the case of an amendment, it may be appropriate to extend the discussion period. 4) Call for a Vote: At the end of the discussion period a call for a vote must be placed. The mover will normally place the call for a vote, and conduct the vote, or the mover may request that the Chairman do both. In the call for a vote, the name of the mover and seconder must appear along with the final wording of the motion. The call must also contain a clearly stated voting deadline. Normally at least one week should be allowed. 5) Conducting the Vote: At the end of the voting period, the person conducting the vote must tally the vote and report the result. The report must contain the names of the mover and seconder, the wording of the motion, and the result of the vote. In the case of public votes, the report should appear in the Board Moderated newsgroup, and for permanent record, also in the Board Motions passed electronically newsgroup. In the case of confidential matters, the report will be delivered via the "board" mail alias. 6) The Electronic Quorum: The by-laws do not specify any quorum for an electronic vote, so the normal quorum of 5 for a vote at a meeting should apply. Applying that to an electronic forum means that for a motion to succeed, by the vote deadline there should be at least 5 votes cast of which a majority must be in favour of the motion. It should be noted that for an electronic vote, just as for a vote in a live meeting, it is quite desirable that the outcome of the vote be determined by a majority of eight or more. In that way there is no doubt that the result is the wish of a real majority of the Board rather than the wish of some sub-set voting hastily in a special meeting or electronic vote. On the other hand, keeping the vote open indefinitely until a majority of eight is reached in an electronic vote is not right either. If a decision is to be reached, it needs to be reached in some defined, and reasonable time. For other than emergency issues requiring an immediate response, it is suggested that the deadline be set in the one to two week range. 7) Point Form Summary of Process a) The Motion - Heading "Motion" - "I move that...[motion] - State time allowed for discussion b) The Seconder - Heading "Seconding of Motion" - "I second the motion of [name of mover] that... - Include original words of motion c) The Discussion Period - Any Board member may respond - Keep discussion relevant to motion - Amendment possible by mover and seconder d) Call for a Vote - At end of discussion period, mover or Chairman will place the call - Call contains name of mover and seconder, the words of the motion, and the deadline for voting e) Conducting the Vote - Person calling the vote will, at the end of the voting period, issue a report including names of mover and seconder, the words of motion, and the result of the vote. - Report in Board Moderated and Board Motions newsgroups, or to "board" mail alias if confidential f) The Electronic Quorum - Must be a minimum of 5 votes cast prior to the deadline.