National Capital FreeNet Administrative Office Annual Report for 1995 Since June of 1993, the NCF administrative office has been located in the Dunton Tower at Carleton University. Although NCF is an independent organization, the support and contribution of Carleton's Computing and Communications Services has been instrumental to NCF's growth. It has been my pleasure and privilege to oversee the move of the office to new, larger quarters in 1995. Carleton has provided us with the new space, Dunton Tower Room 402, which is double the size of the old office. They have kindly allowed us to keep 1409, which we use for filing, storage, and meetings. This tripling of our office space has been a great morale booster for all of the office volunteers, who had done such a wonderful job in the tight quarters of 1409. In the new office we have four work stations, all connected to the FreeNet computers by Ethernet connections. With the move to larger quarters, we were able to reorganize the procedures, and are now in a better position to serve the membership of NCF. Since September, we have been validating over 500 new accounts each week, cutting the processing time for registrants. Applications are now processed within 1-2 days of receipt. Boutique sales have been streamlined, and now fall within the scope of the administrative office, which also processes all applications, donations, and sales, and serves as the main contact between the community and NCF. We also provide help to the members through the help line (520-9001), which now provides expanded information through an automated voice mail system. Volunteers return calls as necessary, and process information from messages left on the system. By far, the event that made the most demands on the office staff was the switch to new dial-in modem line phone numbers in November (520-1130, 520-1135, and 520-7835). While Bell encountered problems in not anticipating our load, most of these are now solved. NCF has grown to become the second largest freenet in the world, registering our 50,000th member, Todd Hovila, ct938, in November. We celebrated with a reception in December, held at Ottawa City Hall. In January of 1994, NCF had 15,000 members, growing to 36,000 by January of 1995, and now boasts over 51,000 members. The office is pleased to play a part in organizing events for members, which in 1995 included a birthday party, and picnic, as well as fund raising support for the auction and challenge campaign. The office is also the key contact for information providers and managers, processing applications for information provider status, and changes of information managers, and works closely with the IP administrators. The success of the administrative office depends on the support and dedication of the office volunteers. I would like to take this opportunity to thank those I have worked with (Jason Cobill, Jody Duncan, Xia Han, Frieda Fanni, Paddy Jones, Daniel Racicot, Jean Stalker, David Smolkin, Marg Willis, and, last but not least, coop students: Anthony DeMarco, Li Ding, Monika Mititelu, Zahra Musse, and Arnold Polenz), as well as those who served before my time. Sheila C. Alder, Administrative Coordinator