Tony Copple’s address to Toronto Rally “Stand for Marriage” May 23 2005

It’s 50 years ago. I am a typical teenager, growing up in a typical family, and being typically aggressive, and there are fights. But however bad things get, the bottom line that sustains me, and gives me identity in the community is the fact that I have a mother, and a father.

Fast forward to the present. I am not a bishop. I am not a priest. I am a congregation member of a church, so I’m just like many of you. Actually its the Anglican church – which is struggling with the related issue of same-sex blessings.

Marriage between a man and a woman is the railroad track on which the train of civilization has run, in most cultures, throughout history. It is a stable, trusted system. In Canada a few misguided politicians decided we should follow Holland and Belgium, and be the third country on earth in modern times to throw the switches so the train will detour onto a new track in uncharted territory. The majority of the passengers on the train think it doesn’t affect them personally. They don’t understand that the curve ahead is too tight for the train. Yet the train is perilously close to the moment of no return, when, unless the switches are returned to normal, the train of civilization will be derailed with terrible consequences. Now Australia voted not to allow same sex marriages, and they even have a member of the Family Values party in their Senate.

Some see this whole thing as a minor matter. For me this is the most important issue I have ever faced. If this bill passes I almost feel that I should impale my marriage certificate on the railings of 24 Sussex Drive. It would have been so devalued.

How come so many – including MPs - seem not to be disturbed by what is unfolding before their eyes? There’s a number of reasons, but we should consider one possibility that hasn’t been talked about. Perhaps many people don’t know what is the nature of sex acts between homosexuals.

Our bodies were designed for heterosexual sex. Just look at them! And while I do appreciate that 2% of the population prefer less savoury alternatives, to legitimize and sanctify their unions by calling them marriage, is an act of sabotage against all of us.

Gen 2: 24 says: “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife and they will become one flesh.” Why is that in the bible – and so early? Because God knew at the time of creation what would work – he designed the system – and he didn’t want his beloved children to take the wrong track or to have to learn by trial and error what was right. Throughout history many have tried to ignore his commandment, for self gratification. And now our nation stands poised to jump into the trap that has devoured previous empires.

I am not interested in just delaying this legislation. I never want to see it passed.
God have mercy on us all.

Same-sex marriage