It's Your Health: Take Control of it!

By Tony Copple

For some years the pursuit of optimum health has been a vital part of my life, since discovering Dirk Pearson and Sandie Shaw's groundbreaking book "Life Extension". I value youth and proactively seek longevity. I passionately believe prevention is better (and far cheaper) than cure, particularly of cancer. My father died of cancer and I have no intention of following him. There is some evidence that the world as a whole is becoming a healthier place, at least in some countries. Medical research continues to bring huge benefits particularly in the treatment of major trauma. But in the less urgent areas such as long term care, governments are reluctant to foot the bill for the extremely costly provision of medical and non medical care, perhaps for years, of the elderly. In such circumstances, we all need to plan fiancially for such eventualities, and that probably means with insurance cover, which must be taken before we get sick.

Our industrialized society lives in an increasingly toxic environment, and we need to take steps to counter it.

My aim with this health site is to help you sift the good from the bad in your pursuit of wellness so you can make health decisions to safeguard you and your family from misinformation and reduce your dependence on drugs (the sort your doctor prescribes).

I believe it is important to read a good nutrition magazine, such as Nutrition Action since new research is continually being reported.The site includes and links to nutrition and vegetarian information (though I am not vegetarian). I am concerned about the prevalence of obesity in North America, particularly among children. Schools no longer insist on organized sports yet kids' diets have never been so poor. Obesity can have psychological causes arising from trauma, but mostly it is from eating too much. Nutritious food is cheaper and more satisfying than the high-fat food that has become standard fare in North America! Cafeteria food in companies and hospitals is culpable for widescale poor health. The subject of dieting and weight loss is not covered on this site, other than to say that I subscribe to the theory that eating to much fat (or too much of anything) makes you fat. We believe the Atkins diet may work for some, but noone knows why, and for all it will increase the risks of heart disease and cancer. See Big Fat Lies. If you want to lose weight, eat foods where fat calories make up less than 9% of the total energy.

There's more interest in health than ever before, and as I read pieces that I like I'll post them on Health News.

This site does not focus on diseases and recovery from them. However, there are some subjects that are marginal-wellness, such as drug-free ways to speed recovery. The Recovery page covers a limited field in this context.

Too much stress is well known to exacerbate many health problems, both mental and physical. A major contributor to stress is financial worry. It therefore makes sense to check out your financial health, for optimal wellness.

So let's examine what's involved in Optimum Wellness.

To Wellness Links of interest.
Stressed workforce costs Canada $6B a year
Getting fatter
Telehealth Ontario - or call 866-797-0000

Health Q & A
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Alternative Health


For those of you who watch what you eat, here's the final word on nutrition and health.

It's a relief to know the truth after all those conflicting nutritional studies.....

  • The Japanese eat very little fat -- They suffer fewer heart attacks than North Americans!
  • The Mexicans eat a lot of fat -- They suffer fewer heart attacks than North Americans!
  • The Chinese drink very little red wine -- They suffer fewer heart attacks than North Americans!
  • The Italians drink a lot of red wine -- They suffer fewer heart attacks than North Americans!
  • The Germans drink a lot of beers, eat lots of sausages and fats -- They suffer fewer heart attacks than North Americans!
Eat and drink what you like.!!......Speaking English is apparently what kills you!!

Copyright 1996 - 2019 Tony Copple. All rights reserved.