About NCF Statistics This area provides comprehensive statistics about the National Capital FreeNet and its members. If you would like to see any other information included, please post in the newsgroup. Likewise, analyses of data or any other relevant comments are welcome. The Planning Committee (a Board of Directors subcommittee) is helping to plan what data NCF should be collecting, to meet current and future needs for management information. The plan in item 3 gives more information about the goals of this project, which was initally called "FreeStat". As data and analyses become available, this menu will change to include them. Note that some items are officially in test mode. They generally work fine, but help files may not be available. Post questions in ncf.admin.stats (this menu) or in ncf.admin (go help). Alana Boltwood (ad097) 1995-07-31
Date of file: 1995-Jul-31