Executive Director's Report January 2003 =========================== Membership remains level at 6600 and donations for the month of December are up at a total of $13,573 compared to $9,167 in December of 2001. Although the improvement in donation level is good, I believe that this variation is within the normal fluctuations we should expect and does not yet indicate and improved donation trend. Membership and donations follow cycles on a yearly basis, and so viewing the statistics from month to month can therefore be misleading. This month I have included two years worth of data to make the annual cycles more visible. Improvements to the modem pool including single hunt group and enhanced modem sharing has increased the effective size of the modem pool, allowing us to satisfy more people. The Carleton modem pools have now been merged so that regardless of which NCF number is dialled, Bell will hunt for any free lines in the entire pool. Some delays in Carleton's construction timetable have delayed installation of the new digital lines for NCF. I am now expecting mid-February at the earliest. Even with the improvement in modem sharing and the improved reliability of the dial-up lines and modems, NCF dialup is still congested during much of the day. I'm looking forward to the installation of the new digital lines. Some of NCF's current manual systems/procedures are expensive to operate and maintain, resulting in mistakes and some wasted resources. Hence one of our goals is to improve the reliability of our systems and reduce the need for manual intervention. Keeping things simple and keeping their performance visible helps improve services. This approach costs more up front but I believe is much less expensive in the long run. The first target of this approach was the modems, and I expect to apply the same approach to all of the components of FreeNet. As you will recall, Carleton had donated temporary office space up to the end of December. We weren't sure what we'd do after that, but Carleton came through again, this time with some excellent space in Dunton Tower. We're very grateful for this assistance, as being located together helps us considerably. a) Donation Data - New Registrations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ No. No. % Of Avg. Avg. New Budget Regist Memb $ Budget Regist Donat'n Memb. (No.) Var Donate Donate Amount ($) Var Donat'n All New ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ 2001 Jan01 186 98 - 83 - 2,252 $ 1,800 - - - Feb01 141 98 - 88 - 1,996 $ 1,800 - - - Mar01 159 98 - 82 - 2,172 $ 1,800 - - - Apr01 120 98 - (19m) 45 - 784 $ 1,800 - - - May01 154 98 - (19m) 66 - 1,568 $ 1,800 - - - Jun01 106 98 - (16m) 83 - 1,829 $ 1,800 - - - Jul01 94 98 - (16m) 74 - 1,362 $ 1,800 - - - Aug01 131 98 - (24m) 87 - 1,756 $ 1,800 - - - Sep01 150 98 - (16m) 89 - 2,077 $ 1,800 - - - Oct01 152 98 - (15m) 72 - 1,788 $ 1,800 - - - Nov01 150 98 - (19m) 86 - 2,037 $ 1,800 - - - Dec01 81 98 - (17m) 51 - 1,060 $ 1,800 - - - Jan02 134 177 - (16m) 69 - 1,769 $ 2,370 - - - Feb02 109 169 - (11m) 83 - 2,124 $ 2,250 - - - Mar02 134 158 - (15m) 67 - 1,672 $ 2,100 - - - Apr02 146 119 - (17m) 78 - 1,913 $ 1,590 - - - May02 122 135 - (16m) 71 - 1,810 $ 1,800 - - - Jun02 116 116 - (15m) 73 - 1,664 $ 1,560 - - - Jul02 148 106 - (20m) 68 - 1,852 $ 1,410 - - - Aug02 148 136 - (19m) 71 - 2,239 $ 1,830 - - - Sep02 146 141 - (17m) 63 - 1,525 $ 1,890 - - - Oct02 168 136 - (21m) 76 - 1,733 $ 1,830 - - - Nov02 134 130 - (25m) 79 - 2,316 $ 1,740 - - - Dec02 99 97 - (32m) 56 - 1,171 $ 1,290 - - - b) Donation Data - Renewals ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ No. % Of Avg. Renwl No. Budget Renwl Renwl $ Budget Renwl Donate Renwl (No.) Var Donate Donate Amount ($) Var Donatn All Ren ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ 2001 Jan01 674 395 - 460 - 18,874 $ 17,266 - - - Feb01 451 468 - 364 - 13,597 $ 20,465 - - - Mar01 405 443 - 441 - 17,015 $ 19,399 - - - Apr01 521 473 -(83m) 338 - 13,533 $ 20,674 - - - May01 558 426 -(89m) 395 - 14,525 $ 18,620 - - - Jun01 393 295 -(94m) 349 - 14,195 $ 12,911 - - - Jul01 274 155 -(91m) 215 - 6,474 $ 6,779 - - - Aug01 298 113 -(80m) 183 - 6,709 $ 4,924 - - - Sep01 226 122 -(111m) 213 - 5,208 $ 5,323 - - - Oct01 217 133 -(112m) 195 - 4,598 $ 5,813 - - - Nov01 301 117 -(113m) 258 - 9,798 $ 5,119 - - - Dec01 313 210 -(113m) 266 - 9,167 $ 9,201 - - - Jan02 579 446 -(120m) 442 - 18,341 $ 12,531 - - - Feb02 562 544 -(123m) 410 - 15,508 $ 15,304 - - - Mar02 548 511 -(122m) 379 - 14,443 $ 14,371 - - - Apr02 526 551 -(122m) 413 - 15,957 $ 15,441 - - - May02 377 524 -(128m) 358 - 13,157 $ 14,651 - - - Jun02 215 517 -(123m) 253 - 7,181 $ 14,569 - - - Jul02 251 309 -(129m) 231 - 5,986 $ 8,816 - - - Aug02 239 263 -(130m) 215 - 5,252 $ 7,566 - - - Sep02 234 280 -(135m) 252 - 6,597 $ 8,113 - - - Oct02 266 257 -(136m) 266 - 6,692 $ 7,443 - - - Nov02 338 205 -(136m) 291 - 9,116 $ 5,909 - - - Dec02 302 239 -(131m) 395 - 12,402 $ 6,805 - - - c) Membership Activity: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |Member | Current |To line| Actual |Ratio |Number Forecast Number Forecast Number Number # of % inc. | |Of New No. of Members No. of Members Members Members -dec. |Lns :1 |Members New Memb Renewed Renewed Un-arch Archvd ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ |~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ 2001 Jan01 7,565 - - - 186 98 674 395 0 211 Feb01 7,495 - - - 141 98 451 468 14 223 Mar01 7,393 - - - 159 98 405 443 5 82 Apr01 7,259 - - - 120 98 521 473 3 255 May01 7,184 - - - 154 98 558 426 31 250 Jun01 7,235 - - - 106 98 393 295 25 88 Jul01 7,078 - - - 94 98 274 155 14 268 Aug01 6,939 - - - 131 98 298 113 45 333 Sep01 6,786 - - - 150 98 226 122 55 372 Oct01 6,771 - - - 152 98 217 133 28 209 Nov01 6,782 - - - 150 98 301 117 28 176 Dec01 6,774 - - - 81 98 313 210 17 114 Total for year 1,624 1,176 4,631 3,350 265 2,581 Jan02 6,799 - - - 134 177 579 446 14 137 Feb02 6,790 - - - 109 169 562 544 33 150 Mar02 6,837 - - - 134 158 548 511 30 117 Apr02 6,883 - - - 146 119 526 551 28 130 May02 6,823 - - - 122 135 377 524 21 198 Jun02 6,748 - - - 116 116 215 517 6 202 Jul02 6,701 - - - 148 106 251 309 57 250 Aug02 6,616 - - - 148 136 239 263 35 282 Sep02 6,613 - - - 146 141 234 280 57 206 Oct02 6,606 - - - 168 136 266 257 51 230 Nov02 6,616 - - - 134 130 338 291 39 166 Dec02 6,618 - - - 99 97 302 239 25 127