National Capital FreeNet / Libertel de la Capitale nationale

NCF Board of Directors
Minutes of Meeting
November 17, 2015 


  • Initial review of the DSL Pricing Strategy Plan.
  • NCF's first member workshop a big success.
  • Debit terminal in service.
  • Volunteer certification process up and running.

Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Directors

The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. with Chris Cope as Chair and Graeme Beckett as Secretary.


Board members present:
Christopher Cope (bz787) Chair
Tom Moore (fw054) 1st Vice-Chair
Graeme Beckett (aw958) Secretary
Jennifer Barrigar (bc839)
Robert McRae (fy409)

Peter Chapman (fx720) 2nd Vice-Chair
Lynn LaHam (fy504) Treasurer
Peter MacKinnon (fr198)
Phil Linttell (fx714)

NCF Management/Staff present:
Executive Director: Shelley Robinson

Gary Eikenberry (aa353)

Once around the table.
Informal pre-meeting conversation, with Directors taking turn offering personal views and commentary on interesting things that might not make it to the Agenda.

  1. Confirmation of Quorum

    Quorum was confirmed.
  2. Review of the Agenda 

    MOTION: To accept agenda circulated.
    Moved by: Jennifer Barrigar (bc839)
    Seconded by: Tom Moore (fw054)
    VOTE: All in favor. 
    VOTE: Adopted
  3. Review of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting

     Motion to accept the minutes of November 17, 2015.
    Moved by:  Robert McRae (fy409)
    Seconded by: Tom Moore (fw054)
    VOTE: In favor  Tom Moore (fw054), Graeme Beckett (aw958), Robert McRae (fy409)
    VOTE: Abstaining Jennifer Barrigar (bc839)
    VOTE: Adopted
  4. Ongoing Business 
    1. None
  5. Reports  
    1. Executive Director's Report (Shelley Robinson)

      Shelley provided her ED report in advance of the meeting.



      - Growing use of new hours via phone and drop-in
      - NCF's first member workshop was a big success with 40 plus attending.
      - Debit terminal now taking payments.
      - Preparing to turn off one of the dial-up PRI's.
      - Terms for ICS contract finalized.
      - Old PBX failed a new replacement ordered.
      - New Entrust certificate activated.
      - Pricing committee met and choose direction.
      - New ADSL/VDSL multiband wireless modems undergoing testing.
      - Volunteer certification process underway.

      Our partner has agreed to co-apply for an OTF seed grant for volunteer training.

      - The Executive Director attended the Canadian ISP Summit - excellent workshops.
      - Positive feedback on logo design from graphic design expert.
      - Sysadmin and ED used their ISP's Notice-and-Notice presentation for November lunch and learn.
      - Joined Internet Society Canada Chapter (ISCC)  

      - Met with Pinecrest-Queensway Employment Ontario branch about future employment subsidies
      and possibility of offering computer training to their clients 

      - Switching to bi-weekly payroll with timesheets.

      To receive the Executive Director's Report
      Moved by: Robert McRae (fy409)
      Seconded by: Graeme Beckett (aw958)
      VOTE All in favor.
      VOTE: Adopted
    2. Pricing Strategy Report (Shelley Robinson)

      The Executive Director distributed handouts at the meeting outlining a DSL new pricing strategy. Shelley first indicated the need for a bit of reflection on one of the DSL package levels and some additional text clarification and editing. There was considerable time spent by the board members discussing the assorted packages and details plus potential hazards and implementation. Tom had additional questions and input that could not be addressed within the confines of the meeting and will meet with the Executive Director to go over pricing models and projections.

      The Executive Director will circulate the updated Pricing Strategy Report to the Board mail alias and the Board will meet in December to revisit the plan. It was also requested by Graeme that a draft 2016 budget be circulated in advance of the December board meeting.

      By moving forward with a new pricing strategy, further work will to be required on an implementation plan, messaging plan, and a promotions plan.  
  6. New Business
    1. Committee Composition (Chris Cope)

      The composition of the Finance Committee was updated.

      MOTION: Motion that the Finance Committee Chair be our Treasurer: Lynn LaHam, and the committee members be our Board Chair: Chris Cope, 1st Vice-Chair: Tom Moore and the Executive Director: Shelley Robinson. 
      Moved by:  Robert McRae (fy409)
      Seconded by: Jennifer Barrigar (bc839)
      VOTE: In favor  Jennifer Barrigar (bc839),  Robert McRae (fy409), Graeme Beckett (aw958)
      VOTE: Against  Tom Moore (fw054)
      VOTE: Adopted
  7. Announcements

    The tentative date for the NCF holiday dinner will be December the 8th.
  8. Date of Next Meeting

    The next regular meeting will be December 15, 2015,
    NCF Offices, Suite 206 Richmond Square, 1305 Richmond Rd.
  9. Adjournment

    The meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m.

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